As anyone who knows me is aware, I make fat jokes...a lot. I laugh at myself maybe more than any fat person I know. Am I self-conscious? Sure. Does it mask insecurities? I suppose -- hell, I'm typing this on a "I'm so fat I need to start a blog to document weight loss" blog. So clearly I'm not someone who thinks "Yeah, being fat is awesome and I love myself as a fatty."
I feel this post will turn into some really long post if I just don't get to the point. So my few points are these:
- Fatties, we're not discriminated against. So save your yelling. It burns too many calories and thus requires way too much effort to be a justified response.
- Learn to just deal with people staring. It happens. I have my tough moments of the past from what people have said/done that I don't share with anyone. It sucks. Whatever, deal with it. Or don't. But don't expect people to bend to your will just because you're different and therefore you feel everybody should treat you special. Expect simple respect when people talk to you but nothing more.
- Being fat is a choice. I say this as a fat person who has failed many times at being less of a fatty. But its a choice of if you're really committed. We have to work harder than someone just staying in shape -- which is difficult. But it has to be done to lose weight.
This is probably all over the place and incomplete. Its late as I write this but I hate doing multiple drafts of anything. I think this needs to be on the record though, because I want it to be known I hate fat people who complain all the time about not being treated like everyone else. If it really bothers you, start a club. There are dozens popping up all over. Including this fatty meeting caught on video.
That is all.
That is all.
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